Thursday 18 November 2010


1.) Which age group do you belong to
       A.) 13-16 B.) 17-20 C.) 21-25 D.) 26-30 E.) Over 30

2.) Which Gender are you?
     A.) Male B.) Female

3.) How would you describe your ethnic background?

4.)  What are you most likely to use to hear new music?
       A.) Internet B.) Radio C.) TV Music Channels D.) Other (please specify)

5.) How often do you purchase Music Magazines
      A.) Weekly B.) Fornightly C.) Monthly D.) Every 6 months E.) Yearly F.) Never

6.) If you do not purchase Music Magazines, Why?

7.) How much would you be willing to pay for a Music Magazine
      A.) £1-3 B.) £4-6 C.) £5-10 D.) more than £10

8.) Which Genre of music are you most likely to listen to?
    A.) Rock/Indie  B.) R&B/Hip-Hop C.) Pop D.) Dance E.) Country F.) Other (please specify)

9.) In your spare time which of the following are you most likely to do?
     A.) Listen to music B.) Watch television C.) Read D.) Use internet  E.) Go out F.) Other (please sepcify)

10.) When you go out with freinds where do you mostly go?
     A.) Cinema B.) Club/Party C.) To a mall D.) Relax Indoors E.) Other (please specify)

11.) If you use a social networking site which of the following do you prefer?
    A.) Facebook B.) Twitter C.) Myspace D.) Tumblr E.) Other

12.) If you do not use social networking, why?

13.) How often in a year would you attend a live gig?
       A.) 0-2 times B.) 3-5 times C.) 6-8 D.) 9-11 times E.) more than 11 times

14.) How do you purchase music?
       A.) Download B.) CD's

15.) If you have a phone how much do you top up/contract monthly?
       A.) £5-10 B.) £11-16 C.) £17-22  D.) £23-28 E.) £29-34 F.) More than £35

16.) How important is it that you in keep up to date with new technology?
       A.) Very Important B.) Important C.) Average Importance D.) Unimportant E.) Don't care

17.) Which music magazine are you most likely to buy and why?
18.) What would you like to see in a music magazine that isn'y currently available?

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