Tuesday 30 November 2010

Contents Page Research: Q Magazine

The formatting of this content page from the Indie/Rock Magazine Q has made it easy for the readers to find exactly what they want and quickly. This is due to a variety of techniques such as the use of a house style; simply white, black and red which is in keeping with the recognised magazine logo, and draws attention to the most popular areas of the magazine. Specifically the two headings of 'features' and 'every month' use bold, white, upper case font, against a red background to instantly attract the readers eye to the pages that will most interest them. Futhermore the use of a masthead which includes the logo and the three colours of the house style; clearly states to the audience which magazine they are reading, the date of the information and what they are going to find on the page.It also encourages readers to visit the website for the magzine to recieve more information as the web address is clearly visible at the top of the page. The choice of formatting for this whole page is aimed at making the information as clear and recognisable to the audience as possible. In addition the editor uses a variety of technques such as quotes, famous names, and sharp statements to make all the articles mentioned seem interesting. This is to ensure that when someone picks up the magazine and reads this page, they do not put it down. The publisher wants to sell as many copies as possible so they need to make sure that the whole magazine appeals to the audience not just the front cover and featured artist.

To add the main picture used on this page, of a poplar Indie band 'The Courteeners' shows to anyone reading it that this magazine is specifically targeted at people interested in rock and indie music. It is very important that the target audience is evident in the contents page aswell as the front cover. As someone could be first attracted by the artist on the front cover,but if they look inside the magazine and do not instantly see a representation of their genre of interest, they will not buy the magazine. The actual photograph itself carries several connotations that would entice listeners of Indie music to read on. It is taken from a low angle, making it an aspirational image. Readers looking at this image might consider this band an idol, so may wish to read on and find out how they reached such accliam in the music industry. In addition it is set on an open hill top with the rest of civilisation far below, which could be seen to reprent an escape from everyday life, and a sense of invinsabilty and being on top of the world. Most young follows of indie music use it as an outlet for escape, so this would be an attractive concept. Furthermore as indie is short for 'individual' most readers of this magazine would relate to an image of people who are seperated from the rest of the world.

Overall the formatting techniques used and the use of photography on this contents page ensures that this magazine is organised and clear, and specifically targets an audience that listens to Indie/Rock Music.

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