Monday 22 November 2010

Costume Ideas 1

As part of the planning for my own music magazine, I have been looking at a variety of 'Indie' styles to determine how I am going to represent this genre of music. I have found graphic T-shirts, skinny jeans, converses and bold accessories to be prominant trends among people who like Indie Music. Here I have focused on femine styling, but these trends also apply to men. Therefore when creating my front cover image I have to implement these fashions to accuratly relate to my readers. I have chosen this particular t-shirt as it presents an iconic image of marylin monroe (a recognised symbol of feminity) in a completly unique way. The essence of being Indie, is all about bringing something new and twisting what is recognised. It also demonstrates the importance of outwardly expressing a love of music, from the headphones. The glasses, are bold twist on the geek stereotype, showing that the indie world respects intellgence. I have also considered using a black model, with a similar hairstyle to the one shown. This is because the Indie magazines currently on the market seem to present young, white artists. However for my magazine to truly show an 'idie' individual genre, it should also present a twist on racial stereotypes. The guitar could also be used to relate to a group of people/ genre that is heavily focused on live music.

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