Tuesday 30 November 2010

Contents Page Research: Q Magazine

The formatting of this content page from the Indie/Rock Magazine Q has made it easy for the readers to find exactly what they want and quickly. This is due to a variety of techniques such as the use of a house style; simply white, black and red which is in keeping with the recognised magazine logo, and draws attention to the most popular areas of the magazine. Specifically the two headings of 'features' and 'every month' use bold, white, upper case font, against a red background to instantly attract the readers eye to the pages that will most interest them. Futhermore the use of a masthead which includes the logo and the three colours of the house style; clearly states to the audience which magazine they are reading, the date of the information and what they are going to find on the page.It also encourages readers to visit the website for the magzine to recieve more information as the web address is clearly visible at the top of the page. The choice of formatting for this whole page is aimed at making the information as clear and recognisable to the audience as possible. In addition the editor uses a variety of technques such as quotes, famous names, and sharp statements to make all the articles mentioned seem interesting. This is to ensure that when someone picks up the magazine and reads this page, they do not put it down. The publisher wants to sell as many copies as possible so they need to make sure that the whole magazine appeals to the audience not just the front cover and featured artist.

To add the main picture used on this page, of a poplar Indie band 'The Courteeners' shows to anyone reading it that this magazine is specifically targeted at people interested in rock and indie music. It is very important that the target audience is evident in the contents page aswell as the front cover. As someone could be first attracted by the artist on the front cover,but if they look inside the magazine and do not instantly see a representation of their genre of interest, they will not buy the magazine. The actual photograph itself carries several connotations that would entice listeners of Indie music to read on. It is taken from a low angle, making it an aspirational image. Readers looking at this image might consider this band an idol, so may wish to read on and find out how they reached such accliam in the music industry. In addition it is set on an open hill top with the rest of civilisation far below, which could be seen to reprent an escape from everyday life, and a sense of invinsabilty and being on top of the world. Most young follows of indie music use it as an outlet for escape, so this would be an attractive concept. Furthermore as indie is short for 'individual' most readers of this magazine would relate to an image of people who are seperated from the rest of the world.

Overall the formatting techniques used and the use of photography on this contents page ensures that this magazine is organised and clear, and specifically targets an audience that listens to Indie/Rock Music.

Reader Profile

Readers of this magazine are on average young people between the ages of 17-25 from a mixture of backgrounds, with an average disposable income that they are most likely to spend on clothing, gig tickets, going out, phones and food. When they go out they are likely to go to cinemas, malls and resturants such as Nandos or chinese buffets because they are reasonably priced. They are sociable people that spend a lot of their weekends at parties or clubs.Almost 95% use social networking to keep in touch with freinds, the most popular being twitter and facebook. The music that this group of people most enjoy are the indie rock and alternative genres, and they attend live gigs regularly thoughout the year. When they purchase music it is most likely to be albums on CD or Downloads. They don't find technology particularly important, but most have an ipod and an up to date mobile phone with mobile web. This is because they value being able to listen to their music wherever they are, and have constant access to friends and information. Features of a music magazine that they find useful or interesting are gig guides, free or discounted downloads and merchandise, posters and information on up coming artists. Brands they would be interested in are:

Monday 22 November 2010

Front Cover Costume 2

The other side of the 'Indie' Image is heavily focused on vintage fashion, and respecting the icons of yesteryear. Such as Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles, Madonna...etc, artists that have been hailed as music legends. As artists in the indie genre look up to these people in their music, this is also reflected in their clothing. This is another angle that I can possition my magazine from, to relate to my readers. I have chosen the blazer, as this is normally associated to busniness men/women and by bringing this into a music magazine, inverts that stereotype. The two choices of t-shirts again shows the desire to be included in the music, or respecting great artists from the 80's. The tights are used to soften the image, and keep it femine despite the masculine blazer and brogues. As indie girls want to show that masculine items can apply to them,but want to display a pretty, feminity at the same time. Furthermore, the choice of hairstyle is simple and natural, showing that the indie genre, values natural beuty.

Costume Ideas 1

As part of the planning for my own music magazine, I have been looking at a variety of 'Indie' styles to determine how I am going to represent this genre of music. I have found graphic T-shirts, skinny jeans, converses and bold accessories to be prominant trends among people who like Indie Music. Here I have focused on femine styling, but these trends also apply to men. Therefore when creating my front cover image I have to implement these fashions to accuratly relate to my readers. I have chosen this particular t-shirt as it presents an iconic image of marylin monroe (a recognised symbol of feminity) in a completly unique way. The essence of being Indie, is all about bringing something new and twisting what is recognised. It also demonstrates the importance of outwardly expressing a love of music, from the headphones. The glasses, are bold twist on the geek stereotype, showing that the indie world respects intellgence. I have also considered using a black model, with a similar hairstyle to the one shown. This is because the Indie magazines currently on the market seem to present young, white artists. However for my magazine to truly show an 'idie' individual genre, it should also present a twist on racial stereotypes. The guitar could also be used to relate to a group of people/ genre that is heavily focused on live music.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Copy For School Magazine

Out with the Old, In with the New
So here we are, a new year, a new building and a new start. So far the reaction among students to the move has been fairly negative. Most being concerned about the outdoor common room, longer day and what seems like thousands of stairs. From what I’ve heard the focus seems to be on what used to be. But how about what could be?
These changes offer everyone at this college a chance at a fresh start. There is such a rare opportunity on the plate, here is a building that has little signs of its previous occupants. It is completely ours do with whatever we like. Rather than thinking about what our old campus had to offer us, we should be thinking of how we can put our own unique stamp on this place. We have the power and the potential to transform this run down old building into Negus, a college that really reflects the students that we are.
The process of fund raising to make these ideas a reality would create several occasions for showing off the colleges many talents. From drama and dance productions to fashion shows and gigs. Just imagine the excitement that’s generated by the annual Outburst production but five times over. Furthermore all the money from ticket sales would go directly towards constructing a better place for us study and hang out.
So there you go it seems like moving to ‘crummy’ Wickham Lane isn’t such a dreadful experience after all. Let’s pull together and make this happen! Any suggestions or ideas that your buzzing to share send to the magazine email and we’ll get back to you A.S.A.P


1.) Which age group do you belong to
       A.) 13-16 B.) 17-20 C.) 21-25 D.) 26-30 E.) Over 30

2.) Which Gender are you?
     A.) Male B.) Female

3.) How would you describe your ethnic background?

4.)  What are you most likely to use to hear new music?
       A.) Internet B.) Radio C.) TV Music Channels D.) Other (please specify)

5.) How often do you purchase Music Magazines
      A.) Weekly B.) Fornightly C.) Monthly D.) Every 6 months E.) Yearly F.) Never

6.) If you do not purchase Music Magazines, Why?

7.) How much would you be willing to pay for a Music Magazine
      A.) £1-3 B.) £4-6 C.) £5-10 D.) more than £10

8.) Which Genre of music are you most likely to listen to?
    A.) Rock/Indie  B.) R&B/Hip-Hop C.) Pop D.) Dance E.) Country F.) Other (please specify)

9.) In your spare time which of the following are you most likely to do?
     A.) Listen to music B.) Watch television C.) Read D.) Use internet  E.) Go out F.) Other (please sepcify)

10.) When you go out with freinds where do you mostly go?
     A.) Cinema B.) Club/Party C.) To a mall D.) Relax Indoors E.) Other (please specify)

11.) If you use a social networking site which of the following do you prefer?
    A.) Facebook B.) Twitter C.) Myspace D.) Tumblr E.) Other

12.) If you do not use social networking, why?

13.) How often in a year would you attend a live gig?
       A.) 0-2 times B.) 3-5 times C.) 6-8 D.) 9-11 times E.) more than 11 times

14.) How do you purchase music?
       A.) Download B.) CD's

15.) If you have a phone how much do you top up/contract monthly?
       A.) £5-10 B.) £11-16 C.) £17-22  D.) £23-28 E.) £29-34 F.) More than £35

16.) How important is it that you in keep up to date with new technology?
       A.) Very Important B.) Important C.) Average Importance D.) Unimportant E.) Don't care

17.) Which music magazine are you most likely to buy and why?
18.) What would you like to see in a music magazine that isn'y currently available?

How is mode of address used to create a shared identity?

 The subject of Bridget March’s article ‘Get on your dancing shoes’ focuses on the new range of footwear at Evans, a well known women’s clothes store. This indicates that the article is aimed at young, female readers. Whereas ‘Fable 3 Gets Serious!’ a short article on Nuts magazine’s website reports on the release of a new video game, indicating that this is aimed at young men. Furthermore Kerrang’s article ‘Bullet For My Valentine bassist leaves north American tour’ shows that this is aimed at rock music fans. All these articles are categorised as news, however the difference in target audience means that what is presented as valuable information is very different. The article aimed at women shows that as women our priorities should be what we look like, whereas the male article shows that gaming and leisure are most important to men. The piece from Kerrang shows that music fans are most concerned with updates on tours and their favourite bands.
The tone of ‘Get on your dancing shoes’ is eager and energetic, as for the use of exclamation marks and short sentences. By creating this tone the writer encourages the readers to feel as eager as her, this develops a sense of likeness between the two, and implies that all women connecting with this article are excited by shoes. Similarly in ‘Fable 3 Gets Serious!’ questions such as ‘You excited?’ are used to create a sense of anticipation among the men reading this article, showing that there is a shared enthusiasm for this new game.
However, in ‘Bullet for my valentine bassist leaves north American tour’ the tone is more matter fact through the use of quotes from the band manger, showing that the information is being taken more seriously. This shows that among the readers there is a shared concern for the band member.
The language used in the female article is conversational as if the writer is a friend. This comes from the use of colloquialisms such as ‘cute’ and ‘sexy’, which are words that relate to femininity, therefore relating to the female audience. Furthermore the writer also uses alliteration ‘strappy sandals’ and ‘lacy leggings’ that again create feminine and sensual images in the mind. Therefore this encourages the readers to feel as if they have a shared confidence and attractiveness.
Likewise, the language employed in the male article is also light hearted and conversational. Slang phrases are frequently used such as ‘cool’ and ‘sexes it up’ which brings the article to the level of the readers, making them feel comfortable as if they are chatting in the pub. Abbreviations like ‘slo mo’ are used to make the reader feel as if they are an insider, as they understand the jargon they feel included in the gaming culture. However unlike the female article, this piece uses the phrase ‘one of the funniest and deepest games a man is likely to play this year’ to directly address the audience. This creates two effects, it makes the game seem exclusive as it’s just for men again encouraging the readers feel like they are a part of something unique; and it develops a joint anticipation among the readers as they imagine it to be better than any other game they have previously played or heard about.
Surprisingly the article for rock fans doesn’t use much slang and colloquialisms, but it does shorten names, instead of Jason James, they call him Jay James. This is to create a sense that the audience know the artist personally. Furthermore, this language is very different from the previous two as instead of addressing the audience as if in conversation, the audience is addressed in a more formal manner, as important information is being given. This shows the article to be aimed at people that take music seriously. 
The pictures and additional media that accompany the articles are also specifically targeted at their audiences. The picture attached to ‘get on your dancing shoes’ features four pairs of slender female legs, two wearing tights and two baring their legs. This image encourages the readers to visit evans and buy their shoes, as the shoes are the main focus, so it appears as if the shoes are what makes these women’s legs so attractive. As the language and tone etc of the article hints that women want to be alluring and good-looking, this image helps to imply how they can achieve this.
To add, the article on the game for men is centred round a video trailer. This is more emotive for the audience than simply a still image or photo of the front cover, as it allows them to see the game in action. Furthermore this leads them to imagining themselves playing the game, which encourages them to want it even more.
Lastly the photo used in the music article is a posed photograph of the band, most likely a well recognised one from a recent photo shoot. This is so the audience can see exactly who the band are that are being discussed. Additionally it could also evoke some sympathy as the image shows the full band, so readers might look at it and imagine how the band would look without Jason James.

Indie Mag Cover

R&B/Hip-Hop Mag Cover

Rock Magazine Cover

School Magazine Contents

School Magazine Front Cover