Wednesday 1 December 2010

Double Page Spread Research: NME

This double page spread on Lily Allan comes from NME magazine. The heading used is effective in relating to an Indie audience, as the white font on a black background is bold so instantly draws the audience in. The style of the writing resembles newspaper cuttings, and is very disjointed, which goes with the idea that Lily Allen is misunderstood by general society. This is also a theme that is prevalent in indie culture, so many of the readers would relate.

Lily's outfit also fits in with the house style of the magazine of red, white and black which makes a direct, visible connection between her and the quote. Furthermore check (lumberjack) shirts are commonly worn among indie girls, as they want to show that a shirt isn't just for a man. The point of being 'indie' is to show that you are outside of regular stereotypes, so by lilt wearing this it diectly relates to the target audience.

The text that is used for the interview is quite small so that the readers have to concentrate to read it, so it makes them stop and read it, instead of just flicking through.

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