Wednesday 1 December 2010

Contents Research: Vibe

This is the contents page is from the Hip-Hop/R&B magazine Vibe. Unlike the two previous Indie/Rock magazines the sole focus of this page is on the image and the artist. Therefore this magazine sends a clear message that what readers will find in this magazine is in depth interviews with some of the most famous Hip-Hop and R&B artists, a lot of photos of 'sexy stars', and some discussion of fashion and merchandise. Therefore showing that this magazine is aimed at people that tend to be concerned more about the actual artist than the music. Which is quite the opposite to any Indie/Rock magazine that I have researched. The image also places a huge importance on the chains around his neck, making this an apirational image representing a desire to be rich and powerful. His tattoo of 'Money is nothing without Respect' shows that respect is a key theme in Hip-Hop magazines.
The font used to descibe the features is very small, this is so that it can give a brief describtion without taking the emphasis away from the centre image. A disadvantage of this is that the audience do not realy get a full idea of what they are going to be reading about in the magazine, and there are no page numbers to direct them straight to these articles. Whereas the two rock magazines made it very clear to prospective readers what they could expect from the whole magazine and how they could quicky find the infprmation they wanted to know.
 However the text used for the 'Content' heading is bold, and arranged in a unique way. This is to instantly explain that this page is going to give an idea of what this magazine is about, and it is unlike any other kind of music magazine.
The logo on this page is relativly small., this is again to ensure that full focus is on the artist in the image. It also tells the readers that the magazine doesn't give itself much importance, but only wants them to concentrate on the stars that are featured.

Overall this contents page gives its target audience an impression that this magazine is fully focused on the artists that it features and that they can expect to find a lot of discussion about wealth and success. As these are themes that are evident in hop-hop music it will appeal to people that enjoy this genre of music.

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